Antipsalm 23

Justin Taylor links to a David Powlison article, where Dr. Powlison (among other things) explains, “From Jesus’ point of view, there are two fundamentally different ways of doing life. One way, you’re connected to a God who’s involved in your life. Psalm 23 is all about this: ‘The Lord is my shepherd… and his goodness and mercy surely follow me all the days of my life.’ The other way, you’re pretty much on your own and disconnected. Let’s call this the antipsalm 23: ‘I’m on my own… and disappointment follows me all the days of my life.’ ”

I took Dr. Powlison’s Antipsalm 23 and put it alongside Psalm 23 for a phrase-by-phrase comparison.

The text is in a PDF so that it will display correctly.  Click here to download.